The boiler for gasification or gasifier in this first featured case is intended for processing biomass and organic waste, such as sewage sludge. As in many trials it has been shown that the process is stable and controllable.
The gasifier consists of three sections: gasifier burner head, the gasifier reactor body with the water cooled liner, and the quench section.
A relatively small gasifier diameter is achieved with active wall cooling using water cooled metal liners configured to establish and retain a frozen slag layer that protects the liner during gasifier itself from overheating during operation. The boiler for gasification is the main system component of the gasification process.
It is a robust pressure vessel where air (or oxygen), water, and a suitable fuel are brought together and heated, stimulating controlled thermal and chemical reactions that convert the feedstock to a fuel gas consisting primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (referred to either as synthesis gas or syngas).
Minor constituents in the feedstock are converted to such products as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and ash/slag (mineral residues from coal).
In another description of a boiler for gasification the gasifier partially burns the charge and produces high pressure and temperature fuel gas which is cleaned up prior to exiting the gasifier chamber. The cleaned hot fuel gas is directed to the engine where an injection device injects the fuel gas into a combustion chamber of the engine during a later portion of a compression phase of the diesel cycle.
The gasifier design was robust and suitable for firing with varying input conditions. The gasifier exhaust gas is suitable for directly firing into the secondary cyclone combustor without any complex hot gas clean up systems.
A further example talks of their boiler for gasification. In this case the gasifier represents the first stage of a two-stage combustion system which will provide an MHD plasma relatively free of coal ash. Development of a successful vertical cyclone gasifier design was completed as long ago as April of 1978, they tell us.
Another process describes the features of the boiler for gasification and their process, as follows. The gasifier feeding system is designed to feed loose Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from the silos to the Gasifier. Large systems will have multiple feeders, each with dual lockhoppers. The gasifier is essentially using a heat exchanger to take the heat from the system and convert it to clean hot air.
The energy from the unit can be used to supply a multitude of downstream applications - steam, power, chilling, etc. The gasifier was numerically analysed by RESORT in order to predict physical and chemical phenomena in the gasifier. Euler-Lagrange approach for gas and particle phase is employed and Navier-Stokes equations are descretized by finite volume method, we are informed